Plaza Renovation At Marshak Science And Physical Education Building
City College Of New York, NY
The Marshak Science building is located between St. Nicholas Terrace and Convent Avenue on the North Campus at City College, New York. The 13-story tower sits on a 2-story podium. The footprint of the podium measures about 91,000 sq. ft., with an open paved Plaza and Tennis Courts above. Below the plaza, within the two levels of the podium are the main building entrances, library, various labs, lecture rooms, a planetarium, a chemical storage facility, the swimming pool, a gymnasium and the main receiving area. The existing plaza surface has deteriorated to the great extent through years of wear and tear causing significant water infiltration into the spaces below. A feasibility study to completely redesign the plaza with new finishes, new functions and include more landscaped areas for a more versatile use was prepared. Design and construction documents preparation is now underway for the reconstruction of the plaza. The scope also includes a redesign of the entrances to the four stairs from the Plaza to the levels below, a new exterior stair and elevator for ADA access from the street level and renovation of a portion of the NAC building plaza which connects to the Marshak plaza via a bridge over Convent Ave.
Dormitory Authority of the State of New York